8″ f4.5 petzval projection lens with focusing collar for 4×5 or smaller.
No-name brass lens, 8″ focal length, approximately f4.5 aperture in barrel. This lens does not have a waterhouse slot nor an aperture iris. The glass is in decent condition, but shows some wipe marks/degradation along the edges. The surfaces are smooth and unpitted. The focusing collar works smoothly and the focus knob turns easily. This lens does not include a flange.
This lens was likely attached to a magic lantern or other projecting device from the late 19th or early 20th century. The brass has a magnificent patina. There are no markings on the lens save for “8 IN” prominently engraved on the front and rear barrels. This lens illuminates a 4×5 frame, though not much more – which means that petzval swirls ought to be easy to produce at that size. Use it for taking portraits on 4×5 with the signature petzval look.