A sharp 146mm f4.5 lens in barrel intended for quarter plate format, but will cover 4×5.
T. P. Cooke Anastigmat 5 3/4″ (146mm) f4.5 lens in barrel. Serial number 82347. This lens is in pristine like-new condition, remarkable for a 100-year old lens. The glass is good front and rear. The aperture ring turns smoothly from f4.5 to f16. The aperture blades are oil-free and work at all stops. This lens does not include a flange.
The serial number indicates that this lens was likely made in 1919. This Anastigmat is a three-element triplet design – the famous Cooke triplet. The easily removable rear barrel contains two air-spaced elements, and the front barrel contains the aperture mechanism and a third element. Though designed for quarter-plate cameras, this lens will cover 4×5.